
Applying Templates to an Issue

Please note that applying template(s) automatically to a specific project and issue type, visit the Template Admin page at this link: Template Admin.
Please note that defining templates directly within the issue page will be available in future versions. For defining a template, you must be a Jira admin and using admin app config.


Templates help users overcome the difficulty of repetitive tasks by allowing them to quickly load predefined task structures into their issues. With this feature, users can efficiently apply an existing template to their current issue, ensuring consistency and saving time.

Users can apply any previously defined templates to their current Jira issue. This feature allows for quick and consistent task setup within issues.

Steps to Apply a Template

Follow these steps to apply a template to your Jira issue:

Locate and open the menu

Click on the menu button located in the top-right corner of the issue page. Tick checklist for Jira - app menu location

Select "Apply" from "Templates"

From the dropdown menu, find the Templates section and click on Apply. Tick checklist for Jira - Apply template menu

Template Selection Popup

A popup will appear, displaying the list of available templates. Tick checklist for Jira - template selection popup

View Available Templates

Each template displays the number of checklists and tasks associated with it. Tick checklist for Jira - template selection popup - template details

Expand Template Details

To view the details, click on the chevron icon at the right end of the template. Tick checklist for Jira - template selection popup - template expand chevron

Select Templates

Check the checkbox to the left of each template name to select one or more templates. Tick checklist for Jira - template selection popup - template selection checkbox

Apply the Selected Templates

Once at least one template is selected, the "Apply Selected Template(s)" button will be activated. Click this button to apply the selected templates to the issue. The popup will close, and the selected templates will be added to the issue. Tick checklist for Jira - template selection popup - apply templates button

Applied template

All the checklists and tasks from selected templates are applied to issue. Tick checklist for Jira - template applied to Jira issue result

Important Notes

  • No limit on applying templates: Users can apply the same template multiple times to an issue.
  • Template creation permissions: Currently, only Jira admins or project admins can define templates.

Video Guide

Watch this short video demonstrating the steps to apply templates to an issue.