Local Search

Local search

The local search feature is different from searching Jira issues by task list content using JQL. To read more about Jira search and JQL, click here

As part of our commitment to providing the best user experience, Tick offers real-time local search for all existing tasks in the current Jira issue.

You can find the search icon, represented by a magnifier, always visible on the top left corner of the interface. When you click on this magnifier icon, it expands to show the search bar. This search bar allows users to enter search terms.

If there are ten or more task per issue, the search bar will automatically expand and be ready for input, regardless of the number of task lists.

This search functionality will always search the full content of each task, including the mentioned users and mentioned dates.

Please note that Tick is committed to GDPR compliance and PII safety. Therefore, user mentions are stored only as the Atlassian account ID (a non-PII identifier, for example,557058:d8f08920-1142-4201-934c-c9ce8f6921bb ) of a user.

This enhanced search capability ensures you can quickly and efficiently find specific tasks, making task management more streamlined and effective.

Magnifier Icon

The magnifier icon is located at the top left corner of the task list interface. Demonstration of the magnifier search icon

Magnifier Icon expanded

The magnifier icon with expanded search is located at the top left corner of the task list interface after clikcing on the the icon. Demonstration of the magnifier search icon expanded

Video guide