General Settings

General Settings

Welcome to the General Settings configuration page! This guide will help you understand how to enable or disable various features for each of your projects.

As an admin, you have the ability to control specific features of our app for each project. You can turn features on or off depending on the needs of your team. This customization helps you tailor the app to better suit your workflow.

Mobile View

In this configuration section you can enable/disable Mobile View feature per project as shown below:

Mobile View configuration

Multiple Tasklists

In this configuration section you can enable/disable Multiple Tasklists feature per project as shown below:

Multiple Tasklists configuration

Due Date

In this configuration section you can enable/disable Due Date feature per project as shown below:

Due Date configuration

User Assignment

In this configuration section you can enable/disable User Assignment feature per project as shown below:

User Assignment configuration

Optional Task

In this configuration section you can enable/disable Optional Task feature per project as shown below:

Optional Task configuration

User Notification

In this configuration section you can enable/disable User Notification feature per project as shown below:

User Notification configuration


In this configuration section you can enable/disable Strikethrough feature per project as shown below:

Strikethrough configuration