Tasklist Progress

Tasklist progress view

To provide users with a better overall view of task progress in the task list(s), Tick offers a progress view. You can find the progress view as a brief, color-coded statistic on the top row of the plugin, summarizing all task lists (if you have enabled the multiple task lists configuration). Additionally, there is a color-coded progress bar with a brief, color-coded statistic on top of each task list, giving you a concise view of each task list's progress.

Individual vs Total statistic

As demonstrated in the image below, the JIRA issue has two task lists. The first one is named Release Task List with four tasks, and the second one is named Tutorial Task List with three tasks. At the top, you can see 3/7, showing the total progress of all task lists combined. Additionally, you can see the first task list with a blue progress bar and a statistic of 2/4, and the second task list with a blue progress bar and a statistic of 1/3, indicating the progress of each individual task list.

individual and totaltask statistics task lists progress

Progress bar and Statistics

Tick provides progress updates in both the progress bar and statistics. In the image below, you can observe progress in the blue line on top of all the tasks and the statistics on the right side of the progress bar in blue (2/3). Additionally, you can see the overall statistics in blue at the top corner of the plugin (2/3). individual and totaltask statistics task lists progress color code blue in progress

Color codes

To provide users with better and quicker information, Tick styles the progress bar and statistics with color codes. Each color is explained below:


Grey color is used in the progress bar to indicate that all tasks in the task list are in the initial state and no work has been started on them. Grey color is used in the statistics to indicate that task list(s) are empty of any tasks, independent of their statuses.

Grey progress bar

individual task lists progress color code grey

Grey statistics

individual and totaltask statistics task lists progress color code grey empty


Blue color is used in the progress bar to indicate that one or more tasks in the task list have started progress or are finished, but there are still some unfinished tasks. Blue color is used in the statistics to indicate that the task list(s) have one or more tasks, but not all tasks are finished.

individual and totaltask statistics task lists progress color code blue in progress


Green color is used in both the progress bar and statistics to indicate that there are one or more tasks in the task list(s) and all of the tasks are finished. individual and totaltask statistics task lists progress color code blue in progress

Progress view styles

Tick supports two different styles for representing progress statistics. By default, it shows the relative numbers, i.e., the number of finished tasks compared to the total number of tasks(2/4). Alternatively, it can display the progress statistics as a percentage. Each user can change their preference by simply clicking on the statistics box. Tick will then toggle between the relative number and percentage, saving the user preference for future visits until the user updates it again by clicking on the statistics box. Both images at the bottom demonstrate these cases. You can find more information in the video presented at the bottom of the page.

Relative numbers

progress style relative numbers


progress style percentage

Video guide