
Date mentiones

Please note that mentioning dates and setting a due date are two separate features. Click here to read more about setting a due date.

Date picker

Just like with a JIRA issue, you can mention any desired date within your task content. While in edit mode, enter two forward slashes (//) anywhere in your task content to automatically open a date picker to help you choose your desired date, as demonstrated in the image below.

date picker open demonstrated


Alternatively, you can manually enter your desired date into your task content without using the date picker. You can use any of the following formats: yyyy-MM-dd, yyyy/MM/dd, dd-MM-yyyy, or dd/MM/yyyy. The image below demonstrates an example for you.

manual date mention demonstrated

Date color codes

To help you track the effectiveness of each mentioned date in the task content, we have applied a color code to each mentioned date, as demonstrated in the image below.

date mention color codes


date mention color code yellow

Yellow means the mentioned date is two days or less ahead of the current date, and your task has not been marked as done.


date mention color code blue

Blue means the mentioned date is more than two days ahead of the current date, and your task has not been marked as done.


date mention color code red

Red means the mentioned date has passed the current date, and your task has not been marked as done.


date mention color code green

Green means that, regardless of the date's relation to the current date, the task has been marked as done and the goal has been accomplished.

Video guide

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