Issue Entity Property

Jira Issue Entity Property

As part of Tick advanced features, Tick uses Jira issue entity properties on each instance to save more information about specific Jira issues. Jira uses these properties to provide and offer more advanced functionality and a better user experience, including workflow validation and JQL search.

In this document, we introduce you to the list of available properties and provide a few examples.

Available properties

Please note that fields related to optional or mandatory tasks are defined in the context of company-managed (classic) projects. To read more, click here .

Tasklist full text

Field tasklistFullText concatenates the contents of all tasks from all task lists on a specific Jira issue, which provides the JQL search functionality based on any task content on the issue.

Please note that Tick is committed to GDPR compliance and PII safety. Therefore, user mentions are stored only as the Atlassian account ID (a non-PII identifier, for example,557058:d8f08920-1142-4201-934c-c9ce8f6921bb ) of a user.


Field progressPercent demonstrates the overall progress of all tasks in all task lists on a specific Jira issue, defined in percentage. The value ranges from 0 to 100, where 0 means none of the tasks are finished and 100 means all the tasks are finished.

Note: You can use this property as a filter to find issues where all tasks are done by progressPercent = 100.

Tasks count

Field tasksCount demonstrates the sum of existing tasks across all task lists on a specific Jira issue.

Note: You can use this propery(tasksCount = 0) to filter issues with no tasks.Also, tasksCount is equal to the sum of mandatoryTasksCount and optionalTasksCount per issue.

Mandatory tasks count

Optional Tasks tasksCount

Field optionalTasksCount demonstrates the sum of existing optional tasks across all task lists on a specific Jira issue.

Tasklists count

Field tasklistsCount demonstrates the sum of existing task lists on a specific Jira issue.

Note: Please note that you should not use this field, tasksCount, as a JQL filter to find issues with no tasks, as there might be task lists with no tasks. This indicates that while the number of task lists is one or more, the number of tasks could still be zero

Completed tasks count

Field completedTasksCount demonstrates the sum of finished tasks across all task lists on a specific Jira issue.

Completed mandatory tasks tasksCount

Field completedMandatoryTasksCount demonstrates the sum of finished mandatory tasks across all task lists on a specific Jira issue.

Completed optional tasks count

Field completedOptionalTasksCount demonstrates the sum of finished optional tasks across all task lists on a specific Jira issue.

Completed tasklists Count

Field completedTasklistsCount demonstrates the sum of task lists where all tasks are finished on a specific Jira issue.

Incomplete tasks count

Field incompleteTasksCount demonstrates the sum of unfinished tasks across all task lists on a specific Jira issue.

Incomplete tasklists count

Field incompleteTasklistsCount demonstrates the sum of task lists where all tasks are not finished on a specific Jira issue.

Incomplete Past Dues Count

Field incompletePastDuesCount demonstrates the sum of unfinished tasks across all task lists where the Due Date field is selected and it is past the current date on a specific Jira issue.

Mandatory progress percentage

Field mandatoryProgressPercent demonstrates the overall progress of all tasks in all mandatory task lists on a specific Jira issue, defined in percentage. The value ranges from 0 to 100, where 0 means none of the tasks are finished and 100 means all the mandatory tasks are finished.


Below is a screenshot showing a task list with a few items. Under the screenshot, you will find a JSON representation of all the entity properties related to the shown task list.

sample tasklist entity properties

  "tasksCount": 5,
  "mandatoryTasksCount": 5,
  "optionalTasksCount": 0,
  "tasklistsCount": 1,
  "completedTasksCount": 2,
  "completedMandatoryTasksCount": 2,
  "completedOptionalTasksCount": 0,
  "completedTasklistsCount": 0,
  "incompleteTasksCount": 3,
  "incompleteTasklistsCount": 1,
  "incompletePastDuesCount": 0,
  "progressPercent": 40,
  "mandatoryProgressPercent": 40,
  "tasklistFullText": "Add a feature flag **before** our __release__ Integrate system with the _Apollo API_ for enhanced *performance* Refactor all CSS styles which uses `!important` Release TT-30 before 2024-08-04 @712020:1fb480da-ece4-4db0-a0b5-8822bb65f8a8 please review TT-4"